Haastattelussa New Yorkin Brooklynista kotoisin oleva räppäri Rim. Hän kuuluu Da Villins -räppiduoon ja oli yksi ensimmäisistä artisteista, jotka allekirjoittivat sopimuksen edesmenneen Sean Pricen Ruck Down Records -levy-yhtiön kanssa. Hän on tehnyt urallaan yhteistyötä useiden tunnettujen räppäreiden, kuten Ruste Juxxin (Boot Camp Clik), Lil Famen (M.O.P.) ja Rome Streetzin (Griselda Records) kanssa.
- Hello Rim! It’s a pleasure to have you for this interview. We are thrilled to have the opportunity to speak with you. How have you been?
Been good, B.. just working, you know what I mean.
- Growing up in Brownsville, New York, could you share some of your most memorable experiences and challenges from your childhood? How did the neighborhood shape your upbringing and influence your music?
The most memorable experiences are the block parties and seeing Mike Tyson and Foxy Brown on my block. The challenges were living in that environment around killers, dealers, and users. If I didn’t have a strong foundation, I could have fallen into the abyss. But I wouldn’t change where I lived for anything. It showed me how to overcome adversity, and my music reflects that adversity.
- The hip-hop scene in Brownsville has a rich history. Can you compare and contrast how the hip-hop scene was back in the day versus now? How have you seen it evolve over the years?
Brownsville definitely has a rich history with artists like Sean Price, Bootcamp Clik, MOP, Rose Family, Thirsten Howl, Masta Ace, and D.V Alias. The comparison is that we are trying to recreate timeless music, but the contrast is that it was about money back then, whereas now it’s about culture and love. The scene has evolved over the years, especially in terms of flows and sound.
- When did you first discover your passion for rapping? Could you take us back to the moment when you realized that this was something you wanted to pursue seriously?
I think my first time was listening to Grand Puba’s “What Goes Around.” His cadence and voice were fresh to me. I wanted to rap like Puba. I took it seriously when Sean Price said I was nice.
- The formation of DaVillins with P has been a significant milestone in your career. Can you share the story of how you and P came together to form the rap duo? What do you believe makes your collaboration unique and special?
Ah, man, Villin P is my brother, not by blood but by life. We grew up together on the same block in Brownsville. He was rapping first, and I was a fan of him. He’s one of my favorite rappers of all time. I was always spitting a little bit, but when he asked me to rap with him, I was a little intimidated at first, but I found my comfort zone. Our collaboration is unique because we grew up together; we’re basically family, so it wasn’t forced or put together.
- Your new album, “M!ND STATE,” is a collaboration with Toronto producer Finn. How did you connect with Finn, and what was the creative process like when working on the project together?
Me and Finn were long overdue. Shout out to my Canada geeks. He sent beats, I sent back songs, you know what I mean. He mixed, mastered, and even edited the videos for that album.
- Lil Fame from M.O.P. contributed to your latest album “Rimbrandt 2 Metal Canvas”. What was it like working with him, and how did his involvement shape the overall sound and vibe of the project?
Fizzy is the big bro for real. He doesn’t even know how much of an influence he’s been. I chill with him like 5 times a month when he’s in Brooklyn. Fame looked out for me with that hook, and once he heard the song, he wanted to do a verse. His and Nems’ vocals were at the end of the album, so Fame’s contribution shaped Phresh Waves.
- When you’re not making music, how do you like to spend your free time? Are there any hobbies or activities that help you recharge and find inspiration?
I hang out with my daughter and the guys. I do some reading and studying my lessons. Me, Eddie Kaine, and DJ Mace play basketball every two weeks to keep our joints loose. Besides that, I’m focused on building a solid catalog.
- Looking ahead, what are your plans and aspirations for the future? Is there a particular direction you would like to take your music or any goals you hope to achieve?
I’m looking to not be rapping at 45. I want to get more into the backend of music, working with and developing new talent and sound. I want to help push the culture for another 50 years.
- It’s amazing to see your music resonate with listeners beyond the borders of the United States. How does it feel knowing that people from different countries are connecting with your music? Does it influence your approach to creating and sharing your art?
I had someone from Africa and Venezuela tell me how much they love my music and how it’s helped them. That really made me feel like what I’m doing is special. Anyone making music for the world to hear is special. Music is healing, and I feel like we MCs are spiritual healers. So I try to make my music relatively relatable so that even someone who’s never been on the streets can relate.
- In addition to your work, are there any artists, producers, or collaborators you’d love to work with in the future? Is there anyone on your collaboration wishlist?
Daringer!! I really want to do a whole project with him, sitting down while he chops the beats. And definitely need at least one Primo beat before I leave this earth. Other than that, I don’t want to work with anyone who doesn’t want to work with me. Nothing is forced just because someone is popular.
- Your music often touches on various themes and experiences. Can you share some messages or stories you aim to convey through your lyrics? What do you hope your listeners take away from your music?
I convey messages of survival, hope, tribulations, error, and deceit. I try to convey that regardless of surroundings or upbringing, you can be successful.
- As an artist, what role do you believe you play in the broader cultural landscape? How do you see your music contributing to the conversations and movements happening in society?
Artists are the speakers of our times renaissance. So, as an MC, we do the same with rhymes about what’s happening around us. My music will always reflect societal movements, because that’s where Hip Hop started, with a movement in society.
- Looking back on your journey, what have been some defining moments or highlights of your career so far? Any particular accomplishments or performances that stand out?
Getting to sit with Sean Price and making music with him will always be a highlight. Another highlight was Prodigy randomly saying he loved a song I dropped and that he only watched a web series because of me. Performance-wise, opening for Curren$y in NYC stands out.
- Lastly, is there anything else you’d like to share with your fans and our readers? Any upcoming projects, messages, or words of inspiration?
Don’t follow me, follow your God – P!
Haastattelu: J-P / Fileerausveitsi
Promokuva: Juho Tuominen